Well done. This is a piece of art. Props to you and hope all is well.

I’ll miss you on the t witter but maybe I’ll follow your lead and quit it too.

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Out of all of this, it frankly feels like GeoComply will end up with absolutely no ramifications in place, but it definitely feels like they are the ones who will maybe cause for the push for the most regulations, it really seems Kibana (which is just a dashboard with direct access to the raw database anyway) and database access really shouldn't be a shared entity, and I'm sure GeoComply isn't the only "tech" company who is doing this at this point.

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Strongly agree. It seems bizarre to give ongoing, unfettered access to customer data (does gambling aspect make it PCI data?) to someone outside your organization. Providing a single requested report would seem more normal.

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Great article Patrick! Finally someone has explained this fiasco from start to finish in detail. Heads need to roll at DCI. I’m sure the current leadership in the state of Iowa wants this to go away quietly. It will be interesting to see what happens.

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Thanks Dad

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Absolutely fantastic. I will admit that I've had some reservations throughout this process, based on the idea that many of these guys knowingly broke the law... BUT as you describe it here, with the illegal search and seizure, and ESPECIALLY with the coerced confessions, DCI needs to be held accountable.

These kids knowingly broke the law on some incredibly minor things.

DCI knowingly broke the law to raise their status, and had no regards for those whose lives could be ruined.

That is not a proportional response.

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May 3Edited

I look forward to all of this shredding of all the folks that pushed all the wrong buttons and positions throughout the case. I then want the DMR to step up and publically spends days, weeks and months breaking down every point here in excruciating detail - and in 3, 8, 15 years revisit all these folks as part of a "where are they now" follow-up - there's no purpose in not letting this scar the rest of their lives like they did to the student athletes. These are low-character lowlifes with zero interest in anything but self-promotion - and that should be as costly to them as it has been to the kids.

Of course, we know that none will be fired ahead of the upcoming settlement - which should be a publicly-released document (though I'm sure it will be a closed one). I just want to see this Sanger and Adkins drilled beyond belief for their well-earned, self-inflicted Scarlett Letter.

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This seems rather gratuitous. 5 years from now, no one is going to remember any of this unprompted. Everyone, players and investigators alike, will have moved on with their lives. It would be proper for a number of people at DCI to lose their jobs over this, and it will be something that comes on any search of their names, but the need to rehash it over and over again years after the fact is just mean-spirited. To say nothing of the fact that it will have the corollary effect of dragging the players' names back into the press every team it's done.

Finally, it has to be said that while this is certainly a story of ridiculous overkill and investigative zealotry run amok, that doesn't make the players "innocent". The criminal charges out to be reversed, any confessions and convictions tossed out, and there will be monetary awards to the players affected. As there should be. But that doesn't change the fact that the players broke the rules and, in most of the cases, KNOWINGLY broke the rules and took pains to hide that fact.

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It's 97.4% gratuitous. No arguments there.

However, it's important that it's made public when these DCI people are out - they have zero right to "leave quietly" at this point based upon the lives they've changed. That's the best way to "mark" them as they've marked that athletes.

And with you on the athletes messing up - intenationally - ideas as well. I said that right away and some folks got upset with me - but they DID knowingly break the rules - and in this case, it wasn't for rebellion, it was for profit.

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Fantastically done. 👊👊

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Thanks for consolidating all of this.

Well, DCI certainly did "show our worth to the powers". Greed and incompetence, with no regard to anything but their short term. Heads absolutely should roll at DCI. Unfortunately, I don't trust the state to do the right thing.

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Great summary. Got me fired up again and angry about how adults who should find ways to protect students help teach the students instead worked to ruin their lives. Such an awful experience for our state.

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As ever, ACAB

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